Our Service

Child Development & Interactions

We endevour to continuously develop free choice activities and stimulate engagement in individual and group time. We provide developmentally appropriate equipment and maintain a high quality of communication between myself and families.

A Positive & Safe Environment

Carebears Family Daycare provides a physical and emotional environment that promotes personal and social growth. We provide an environment where children are physically and psychologically safe, and are provided with opportunities to develop independence skills. If there are any concerns regarding your child's behaviour, I am happy to discuss these with you so we can work together in supporting your child. I ensure that my interactions with children are always guided towards promoting positive and responsible behaviour, maintaining the dignity, rights and self esteem of each child.

Inclusive Practices

Parent participation, cultural diversity, disabilities, gender equality, individual development needs of children, amongst other inclusive practices are encouraged and supported in the FDC environment.


Our communication program is all about keeping you informed of your child's day, their achievements and experiences. We also use email and the telephone to help keep you informed.

Routine and Non-Routine Exursions

Family Day Care is a unique care service able to provide regular opportunities for children to explore their local community and to use excursions and outings to support children's learning. Within my Service I will conduct Non-routine and Routine excursions;

  • Non-Routine excursions are those one off events like the Zoo or special event that may only occur occasionally.
  • Routine Excursions are those excursions that occur on a regular basis. These may only include excursions to local preschools, playgrounds, playgroups or public libraries.


Parents are welcome to discuss any concerns or issues they they may have with me, be they about FDC policies, standards and regulations, fees, excursions, medications, animals, holidays, etc. If parents feel that their questions or issues have not adequately been addressed, they can contact my Family Daycare Coordinator. Alternatively, parents can contact the Family DayCare Coordination Unit on 84167400.